Saturday, February 25, 2012

where you go.

a little poster i'm working on for my house/shop.

my itunes has been playing a few songs from an
album featuring various christian artists called
 'music inspired by the story'(released in conjunction w a book series 'the story'). 
one of my favorites is sung by nichole nordeman & amy grant entitled "i'm with you(ruth & naomi)".

it's a song about ruth & naomi (a widow & her widowed daughter-in-law) and how they continue to be
each other's family even when they are
no longer tied to each other.

the chorus repeats:
"you & me
me & you
where you go
i'll go, too
i'm with you"

every time i hear it, it makes me think
of my husband and my promise to him,
to love & support him,
regardless of what comes our way.

telling your sailor that you'll follow
them wherever they go is pretty big in terms of

i can't wait to have it up on my wall.

if you want to hear the song,
you can check it out here.

upcoming seniors.'ve heard me mention sarah shah portraits before, right? :)

sarah just announced she's looking for a senior rep for ssp for 2013.  you can check out her post about it here

if you know a high school junior in the area, pass this along to them!

Monday, February 20, 2012


deployment day at the whyte house.

battle buddies.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

navy reserves weekend.

drill weekend for the navy reserves again.

sailor of the year, junior sailor awards were announced.
there was a very long line for awards this time!

i don't know what everyone received, but i do know that glenn was awarded 'sailor of the year' for 2011.  he was also #2 for sailor of the region.  well done, glenn!

junior sailor of the year, bm1 whyte, my husband. :)

the green uniforms are the newest addition for the navy.  these green ones belong to the seabees(construction battalion).

there were also 3 sailors that were re-enlisting. 

as always, the sailors fall in line to shake hands at the end.

valentine's cards

the valentine's cards were a big hit!
(i had to use a star wars font for aiden's, since he LOVES star wars! :))

i have referral cards to pass out from sarah shah portraits
if anyone is looking to get photos taken!

she's great!