first off, i want to thank everyone for their kind & encouraging words on my facebook page. i really enjoyed the photo weekend last week and hearing that you all enjoyed the images as much as i enjoyed taking them is a big plus! getting that much attention kinda made me sick to my stomach, though. it was slightly overwhelming. i'm a behind the scenes kind of girl...i run away from the spotlight...but i thank you, anyway. :)
i seem to have caused a stir with photo weekend...added some confusion about my availability as a photographer.
i am so sorry for that.
to those of you whom i have already turned down for shoots, i really did not mean to tease you with photos and then tell you i'm not able to do yours when you asked. that being said, i wanted to take the time to apologize to those people & others like them, with two reasons as to why i'm not available.
reason #1: i'm married to a navy reservist.
not just any reservist, either. one that is encountering deployment readiness. in this case, it calls for special courses, extra training, mandatory inspections. he's gone a lot. to give you a better idea of "a lot", there will be a month where he will only work 8 days at his civilian job, the rest will be reserved for military. and since the arkansas river isn't big enough for his ship to dock at, it means he's traveling.
reason #2: these two.
yes, i could easily find a babysitter.
yes, i could pawn them onto their grandparents.
or my sister.
or my friends.
however, i don't believe that they are someone else's responsibility.
more importantly, they need stability.
they need some routine in their lives.
they need to know that their mom is going
to be there when they wake up from nap.
they don't need to be shocked that someone else is
there filling my position, even if it is just for an hour.
they need to know that they're my first priority,
not my computer.
my little guy has become very confused by this change in routine. when his dad is gone, he asks if he's at work
or with the navy guys.
when daddy's traveling,
i get asked several times a day if we're going that day to the airport to get daddy.
there will be times when i am able to set up a special
weekend to do photos,
just like i did last weekend.
i don't mind doing several in one weekend.
i think it works better for the kids if they're
hanging out with family for a few hours one day,
as opposed to many random days.
i do want to do another weekend shoot.
i just don't know when yet.
in the meantime, you will see photos.
they'll be free work.
you will see photos from
a baby shoot.
you'll see shots from LOVE Wichita.
more than likely there will be photos posted from our
vacation and my sister's new baby.
also, i can tell you right now that i will not be doing photo shoots this summer.
i loathe the summer.
i'm a big baby when i'm hot.
the heat gives me panic attacks.
it's not pretty.
i'm sorry if anyone had their hearts set on a summer shoot.
really i am.
i'm a people pleaser, so saying "no" hurts me more than
it hurts you!! :)
i do happen to know some amazing photographers in the
area that have free time, love to take photos(even in the
summer), and do an amazing job at it.
i would be more than willing to brag to you about
those people!
don't hesitate to ask.
i'm definitely not too busy to answer e-mails! :)
thank you all in advance for understanding my situation!