Saturday, November 6, 2010

hootin' good time.

ken lockwood from eagle valley raptor center in
 cheney, ks came out to visit the pre-k'ers yesterday.

the EVRC brings in birds in need of rehabilitating. 
some have been injured, while others were raised by humans and aren't able to live in the wild.

ken brought out a video to show the kids,
as well as some owl friends.

 avatar, the spectacled owl(originates from south america,  but last lived at the tulsa zoo) and templeton, the hoot owl.

templeton brought his own lunch...
a white mouse.  :)

 i think this one above is named hannah montana, the screech owl and then miley cyrus is the barn owl. the barn owl was my favorite.  

a big rule for the owl show-n-tell was for the kids to remain quiet, even if the owls tried to fly off. 

  they all wanted to pet the owl.

 some parents had some photo ops for their kids...

they all were able to pet feathers afterwards. 

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